Communicate, Collaborate, and Corvettes.
Our Mission To become a positive organization within our community. Using our Corvettes to inspire strong educational and social values, by demonstrating a positive lifestyle for young people as well as utilizing our collective resources to assist communities in upward growth.
Upcoming Events
Membership: Any person who owns, co-owns or leases a Corvette may become members of the Competition Corvette Club of Michigan, provided s/he is sponsored by an existing member in good standing, and must be approved by majority club vote prior to joining the club. New member applicants must attend two consecutive meetings, or participate in two club events, prior to final approval of their membership being put to a vote.
Honorary Members: Any spouse, or significant other, who merits recognition for outstanding interest in, or service to the club, may be elected to Honorary Member by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Such membership shall be limited to one year, but may be renewed at the option of the Board of Directors.
Honorary Members
Lifetime Membership
Lifetime Membership: Any person who is deemed to have performed extraordinary service to the club may be honored by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Lifetime memberships shall provide for a waiver of regional dues, and shall maintain membership in good standing with the Competition Corvette Club of Michigan.